For several years now, we have taken scrambled to complete major renovation projects in the weeks leading up to Christmas. Christmas seems to be a hard and fast deadline that has pushed us to get everything wrapped up so we wouldn’t be living in squalor over the holidays.
This year, it was our major outdoor renovation that we scrambled to finish and we managed to get everything done by December 16 – plenty of time before Christmas!

With much of the mess outside and mostly wrapped up by Christmas, we were left with plenty of time to fill our weekends with our usual Christmas traditions: visiting Santa, visiting a Christmas tree farm and spending time with friends.

We couldn’t be without a little bit of drama, so we made sure to fit in one last renovation project before the holidays. On December 16 our contractor came and installed 3 of our 5 remaining windows. With Alex’s mom visiting on the 20th (and sleeping in one of the new window rooms), it was a mad dash to get everything done and clean before she arrived.

We had to put in her in the basement for two nights while I finished priming and sanding the walls, but at least it was clean and all of the windows were in. Once everything was painted, it looked great (minus the giant hole in one of our new windows thanks to a mishap during installation).

We still have one more window to be installed after the holidays, but at least we had 3 new windows for Christmas!