It’s been a tough couple of weeks, but moving day is finally here!
The apartment was in pretty good shape by Thursday night. Almost everything was packed and we only had a few last minute things to do on Friday.
I made a smart decision and took Friday off so I could help Alex finish up at the house and do a final pre-move clean. There was a tonne of dust from the electrical work, so I spent most of the day cleaning up tools, vacuuming the floor and walls, and mopping. Repeatedly. It’s still not really clean, but at least most of the construction dust is gone.
By 4pm, we were in decent shape:
We spent the rest of Friday night finishing up at the apartment and trying to get everything done before our friends arrived Saturday morning for the move.
Moving day was pretty successful: we got the truck early in the morning and started seriously loading it by mid-morning. We had planned to only make one trip, but the 17′ truck simply did not fill all of our things. After two trips, some portuguese chicken, and a lot of rushing, we finished!
We then kept the party going by having a BBQ and drinking way too much. The result: I spent most of Sunday in bed. The combination of an entire bottle of wine and pure exhaustion was not good…
But we’re moved! Yay!