Fri. Jul 26th, 2024

We seem to have finally won the battle against the raccoon living in our garage. For now. But now we have a new problem: squirrels.

Squirrels are relatively cute creatures; they frolic around, jumping from tree to tree, not really harming anyone.

Today I found a squirrel on our kitchen counter. He was eating some hamburger buns left on the counter (in a bag). When I got closer, he escaped through the kitchen window, which helped me figure out how he got in!

He had chewed through our screen window!!


The hole was big.

He had also been there before. We have a collection of bread products sitting on the counter – buns, pita, sliced – and they had all been partially eaten.

Gus was super useful as always, and just sat and watched while the squirrel invaded our home.

So we were off to home depot to buy some new screen – aluminum this time. I also picked up some chicken wire to protect my precious tomato plant. I’m not f*king around with these guys anymore.


I developed a less sophisticated, but (hopefully) effective solution for my basil and mint plants: a collection of items that look like some sort of booby trap. Or a game of KerPlunk.


So far my contraption seems to be working…

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