Our bathroom renovation has been a long time coming. When we first moved into our house, there was only one bathroom on the second floor. A small 5×8 room had everything we needed: a bath/shower, toilet and sink. It was an ugly 80s burgundy, but it mostly worked and was fine for us.
Over the years as we renovated our first floor, second floor and basement, the bathroom started to feel out of place. The rest of our house was nice and modern and the 80s burgundy stuck out like a sore thumb.

We knew we’d have to wait for our basement bathroom to be built before we could start any renovation upstairs or else we wouldn’t have an alternative bathroom to use. And although our basement bathroom was fully functional in 2021, we had twins, a pandemic and a botched backyard renovation to deal with. Once I was recovered from the garage construction drama of 2023, I mustered up the courage to start on the bathroom.
With the upstairs bathroom finally done, it feels like our house is complete and we can just enjoy it now. Ten years in the making, we are finally out of renovation projects! Or are we?

Overall, I’m really happy with the result. It’s nice to have a clean bathroom that better reflects our style and matches the rest of the house. And the in-floor heating was definitely the right decision and probably our favourite part of the bathroom!